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How To Make Money In The Metaverse - Real Ideas For Bigginers 2022

 How To Make Money In The Metaverse - Real Ideas For Bigginers 2022




 You've probably heard of the metaverse. I mean, Facebook and Lord Zuckerberg recently renamed the holding company to meta. There's a ton of different members games out there right now that are super, super popular. 

And honestly, Metaverse and NFT memes are some of the funniest memes I've seen in a very long time. But you know, all of this hype kind of begs the question, what is the metaverse? and how can you actually make money with this thing? 


 Well, after kind of reading and research and dabbling in this space, I thought I'd make this article to talk about 5 really cool ways you can potentially make money in the metaverse , some of the ideas are actually going to involve diving into the metaverse itself while some of them are more of that picks and shovel approach and want to support the companies that are powering the metaverse but either way, tons of cool opportunities here. I think it's super fascinating. 


So The FIRST Method to make money in the metaverse right now is to buy and sell virtual real estate. And before we jump right into buying and selling real estate and FTEs, and everything crazy like that it's important to know what the metaverse actually is, because that's how this all works. 


The easiest way to think about the metaverse is just a virtual reality where people can interact with other users and assets and the world. Really the metaverse right now is a mix of social media gaming, virtual reality, augmented reality, and it's kind of bundled into a bunch of these different metaphors, games and platforms that are really popular right now. 


And so because you can actually interact with a lot of the assets in these virtual worlds, people are actually making money by buying and selling real estate in these virtual games. Yes, people are actually buying NF t's a virtual land and selling them for 1000s and 1000s of dollars. 


Welcome to 2022 I guess. So there's a lot of different Metaverse games out there like the sandbox or Roblox and there's even one called decentraland, which is one of the most popular and so here's what decentraland says on its website: "decentraland is the virtual destination for digital assets, buy and sell land estates. Avatar, wearables and names in the decentralized marketplace, stocking the very best digital goods and paraphernalia backed by the Ethereum blockchain". 


So basically decentraland is like Minecraft, but on blockchain that's like the simplest way to understand it. And , you can buy land in decentraland using Manna which is the platform's native token. And so at the time of filming this video man, it costs about $3.90 right now per manna, and like I mentioned, there's this decentralized marketplace where people buy, sell and exchange all kinds of assets, including land in decentraland. 


 On the marketplace you can find things like Santa hats for your characters ranging from like, you know, two monitors a couple of banner to massive plots of land where 1000s and 1000s of manna, which is potentially 10s of 1000s of dollars in real life. Again, other games are doing this too, like in the sandbox, which is another very popular Metaverse game, you can actually buy land and then host games on your land and charge people sand that platforms token to come and play your games.

 So all of these different games provide a lot of ways for people to make money I mean, you can buy and flip land you can buy land and rent it out to people you can buy land to charge people to come through. It's kind of this weird investing opportunity this weird, like play to earn gaming structure that's new right now. So honestly, there's a ton of opportunity here.


The SECOND way to make money in the metaverse right now is to invest in Metaverse stocks. And if you're not ready to dive down the metaverse rabbit hole and buy land and decentraland or start making NF T's and selling them to people.


 This is probably one of the more straightforward approaches you could try. And like I mentioned, this is the picks and shovels approach. So if you're the kind of person where you didn't want to buy bitcoin, but you wanted to buy Coinbase stock because you believe in the future of crypto, but you don't really want to dabble that much into it. This is probably the approach that could be right for you.


 Right now there's also a lot of hype about these Metaverse stocks I'm sure you've seen videos on YouTube about  that might make one in the future. So the most obvious one right now is a lot of people are talking about is Facebook.... because Facebook is clearly going all in on all things meta Nvidia is another example because they make a lot of GPUs and semiconductors that are going to be used for things like cryptocurrency mining and also things in the metaverse like, VR headsets and everything like that.


 ROBLOX is another one I mentioned. That's an online gaming platform. That's a very big player in the metaverse right now. And then there's other companies you might not have heard of like Unity software, which helps game designers create and monetize real time 3d content for phones, tablets, VR devices, PCs, consoles, and everything like that.


 So again, I'm not doing a deep stock dive in any of these metaphor stocks right now, but you can google lots of YouTube videos. A company I work with, called The Motley Fool also has a ton of content out right now on ways you can benefit from the metaverse potentially or stocks you can potentially invest in or add to your portfolio.


 There're tons of different opportunities here as well. Personally, I buy a lot of ETFs that include companies like Facebook or Nvidia so there are ways you can also benefit potentially from the growth of the metaverse or crypto or things like that without dabbling directly in it.


 The THIRD way to make money in the metaverse right now is to buy and sell these Metaverse tokens. So like I mentioned, games like decentraland and the sandbox have their own native tokens that players have to use to buy assets within the game. 

It is just like trading stocks or cryptocurrency, you could theoretically buy a portion of these tokens, wait or hope for the price to appreciate and then sell them for a profit. Let's just take a quick look at sand as an example, that token that the sandbox uses at the time of filming sand costs about $5 per sand right now and that's honestly quite a bit and it gives it a market cap of over $4 billion, which again is just crazy.


 But for some context, Stan cost about $1 in October and it costs under 10 cents at the start of this year. So if you had invested 1000s of dollars in sand at the start of this year, you'd be off to the races you'd be sitting very, very pretty. So that's not to say this is a safe, guaranteed easy investment. I'm not a financial advisor, you should do your own research and due diligence, but it is clear that like sheep, you know, like Dogecoin like a lot of these alt coins and up and coming Kryptos a lot of people have made a lot of money by doing this sort of thing. 


 I'm sure a lot of people have also lost a lot of money by doing this thing. So again, there are tons of these Metaverse tokens out there you can look into I personally consider this a more speculative play. It's not something I'm doing yet. 

I think I might buy some but I'm not entirely sure yet. But again, you have to do your own due diligence. And I will personally not go and buy sand with money you can't afford to lose. That's just my opinion. 



 The FOURTH way to make money in the metaverse right now this one's for the artists and digital craters and it is to make and sell NF T's. And so I briefly mentioned selling things on these marketplaces like in games like the sandbox, but this is really an opportunity for digital creators to find a new income stream for themselves. 

Games like the sandbox actually have a design tool that helps you make and sell NF T's right on its marketplace. So you can make wearables, you can make avatars, you can make items that people can buy and then put on the land they own. I mean, right now people are making capsules, they're making dragons. They're making Santa hats and beanies are making all sorts of NF T's and selling them on the sandbox marketplace. 


Some of them are going for hundreds or even 1000s of dollars. And so I know the whole NFT thing might seem kind of silly, and this might seem even sillier but you have to think about it like people back in the day would spent hundreds of 1000s of dollars on games like Habbo Hotel or the Sam's. I don't know if any of you guys played those games, but clearly there's a market for people who want to buy fancy avatars or digital items. 

So if you're a digital creator, you could create entities, list them on these marketplaces and see what sells and seriously this really isn't a joke. I mean, Nike just launched Nike land on Roblox so they are planning to bring digital sneakers to the metaverse which if someone had told you that like three, four years ago, he probably laughed but Nike is doing this other brands are doing it too.There are tons of opportunity right now if you're a digital artist and a lot of that has to do with this Metaverse hype that's going on.


 The FIFTH and final way you can take advantage of Metaverse opportunities is just to apply for jobs that involve the metaverse. So when crypto started booming companies went on a hiring spree to attract talent to grow their crypto divisions. We're now seeing a very similar thing with the metaverse so Facebook or meta is doing the same thing right now.

They're on a hiring spree. They're hiring. product developers are hiring programmers. You know, graphic designers are hiring all kinds of people to help power their Metaverse initiatives. But plenty of other companies are doing this like Visa Gemini, Google and a lot of other big tech companies. Even smaller game studios or publishing companies are hiring people to cover the metaverse. Right now. So you can look for jobs out there and there's a ton of opportunity right now. So the metaverse is actually one really cool job board I found that lists all of these different Metaverse, job opportunities, and of course you can also use other job boards like indeed or LinkedIn. I also just published a video on the best Freelancer websites. So there's gonna be lots of Metaverse jobs on there as well. So definitely check that one out. 


So alright, there you have it. Those are five different ways that you can take advantage of the metaverse hype right now and potentially make some money now I know this space is really really hot right now. It is kind of a bubble in some sense, have a ton of attention ton of money flowing through it and it's really hard to know at the moment. How much of this is long term value how much of this is speculation and know where things actually going to land? And another thing you might be wondering and a lot of people are wondering is just why is this NFT thing even a thing like Can't you just screenshot pictures of NF T's I love those memes, honestly, but they're just asking like, why is this even a thing? Why is there value in money here? And you know?


 I was wondering the same thing for a very long time and I found an article ages ago. And I can't find it anymore. I wish I could because I'd link it below but the gist of it actually helped me understand this whole Metaverse and NFT thing a little bit more. And here's kind of how it went. So right now we're already seeing content creators and musicians and artists create more digital events. I mean, fortnight has had Travis Scott marshmallow and Ariana Grande put on concert so that tells you everything you need to know about what the world is doing right now. 

And so clearly with stuff like that going on and you know the pandemic we are going more and more remote more and more virtual every year. And so the article basically said like picture a world where you attend a corporate event or you attend a concert and instead of doing that, you know just over zoom or something like that you actually go into one of these Metaverse games or some Metaverse platform, and you actually go to this virtual venue where the event is being held. 


Now theoretically, someone could own it NFT of that virtual event so they own the concert theater, or the business meeting hall or whatever, because they bought an entity of it and they own it and they charge admission. For you to enter. Now let's say theoretically that someone also owns a bunch of billboards outside of this concert venue. 

Maybe they charge Pepsi a certain amount of money to list Pepsi ads on these billboards and next thing you know, you have a stream of virtual people going to this virtual event there's virtual advertising virtual admission tickets, and next thing you know if this is actually a budding ecosystem in this sort of Metaverse world we found ourselves in so really, we don't know if this is going to be some dystopian future run by Lord Zuckerberg or if this is just going to be a trend or if it's actually some kind of new iteration of the internet that's coming but regardless of that, there's a ton of opportunity right now, and I think is exciting.


 So what I will say isn't good. A lot of this is still speculative. I personally not invested in the metaverse right now in any way, shape, or form. I've started with crypto and I have stocks and ETFs. But that's about it for me at the moment. You should always do your research. Always do your due diligence and again, tons of opportunities here. Lots of risk, lots of reward, but I hope this article at the very least has highlighted some of the exciting opportunities going on right now.

 Anyways, if you're planning to dabble in the metaverse or you know how to make money in it or you have some ideas about this article, let me know down in the comments below .

 I hope you have a fantastic week. And Thank you .
