Hello and welcome to ZazateNet Blog, in this article you're going to learn how to start a micro blog, the ultimate guide for beginners and the beginner's guide to micro blogging.
You might be wondering what is a microblog ??? the definition of a microblog is : a microblog is a social media site by which a person makes short and frequent post when were microblogs invented the first microblogs were known as tumble logs and entered the internet scene in 2005.
Tumble logs were just a short article with links in it however by 2006 the word microblog was coined and used worldwide by sites like twitter and tumblr what is the description of microblogging .
Microblogging is a combination of blogging and instant messaging that allows users to write or post short messages or posts that can be shared with an audience. Now these messages can take the form of a variety excuse me of content formats such as text images videos audio and hyperlinks.
Why start a micro blog? you might be wondering microblogging is popular with microbloggers due to its portability immediacy and profitability posting on a micro blog allows you to provide multimedia content that is easily accessible to mobile users and can help you grow your social media and media following, the more followers you have, the more money you make.
Now the benefits of microblogging it's less time spent creating content an easier way to share content fast less time people spend reading long pieces of content .People don't want to read an hour blog post most the time they want their information fast and they want it now and quickly and it's mobile friendly how long is a micro blog.
A micro blog is a concise blog post with images gifs links infographics videos or audio clips up to 300 words long microblogging sites such as twitter and tumblr spread short form content that can be consumed on the go now ,what is an example of a microblog now let's take a look at this example:
i found one on instagram it's called I don't know if you can see it The keto guide ,they have almost 2500 posts and over a million followers now they simply post images with recipes and tips then refer people to their affiliate link in their bio. Now when someone clicks on the link they are taken to a product and if they buy it the owner of this account will receive an affiliate commission.
See that with over a million followers even if one percent click on this and buy it that five to ten thousand dollars a month that they're making just off this one .
Now popular microblogging platforms are pinterest twitter tumblr and instagram can you make money microblogging ? yes, but how much money you will make from microblogging? will depend on your skill and building relationship with your followers and your reputation online in the niche you have chosen.
How do you microblog you will send brief text updates on the area of your expertise? now how to start a micro blog you research and pick a niche find products to promote set up your social media accounts create social media images for your accounts at
Grow your social media following and promote your affiliate products to your followers, followers on social media.
Now let's say if you wanted to go into the keto niche you could simply head on over to click if you don't have an account you can click on sign up and once you're in it's free to sign up you could go over there and type in keto and find something to promote that's selling .
Once you do you can click on the promote button and then click on generate hot links and copy this link and that's your affiliate link if somebody clicks on this you'll get paid now you can download the guide the micro blogging guide bellow of this article.
Thank you and happy micro blogging see you in the next article.
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