How to make money online with zero dollars ?
How to make money online with zero dollars ?
Catching trends early is one of the most effective ways to ever make big money online. A new trend will enter into any market opportunities arise from that ; the rising tide will raise all ships and everyone who gets involved and everyone will make money . Now it's good to be an early adopter but if you get right at the beginning of the peak , and when it starts to and you can ride the wave there's so much money, there it's ridiculous and so much money can be made so fast , and there's Tons of free methods you can capitalize off by doing this.
Let's say a new trend comes into fruition , this trend could be a trend where you could do content marketing make YouTube videos about the trend , and ride that wave. Let's say it's a new physical product there's been a lot of trends like fidget spinners and things that have entered into the whole world and everyone knows about it and you can set up a drop shipping store and sell that physical product for a no-brainer price and do great marketing for it.
And you want to capitalize on trends that don't last just a few days , you want it to always be a trend that you know will last for at least a few months or even a whole year or longer , you'll be just riding that wave like crazy and then you can actually pivot after that because you'll have customers from it , you can even pivot to new trends that happen , and it's one of the best ways to make money because you can ride each wave and it's predictable because a new trend will always happen .
you have a personal brand ; and if you create content about what you're passionate about : let's say you like video games or certain books or anything that you're passionate about , you know what that is.
The Best 5 Future Ways to Make Money Online Fast (2022)
let's say you make a bunch of great content about what you love to do and you maybe share advice about what you love to do maybe you just vlog and share that your face and your brand is different from all other faces and all other people out there and so there's no competition when you do a personal brand there's always a million people out there that are waiting to hear your message .
Whatever your message is doing high quality content marketing for any platform it could be instagram facebook or youtube … you can do content marketing but it needs to be really high quality content marketing ; you really want people to enjoy the content ; because if your content deserves millions of views it'll get millions of views , and that's just how it works across any platform because people will find it they'll love it it can get shared or to get recommended more and more… and more quality content is worth thousands and thousands and even sometimes millions of dollars for just one piece of content you can put out , you can literally make insane amounts of money ; just by doing quality content .
Now what's quality content? Quality content is very engaging elicits a lot of emotion in people , and at its core it's really entertaining the more entertaining the entertainment or education content you're doing ; the better because that's what people are looking for .
There is great power in making money from YouTube , the biggest platform in the world YouTube as you know. Every single day there's billions of views that are happening like I think it's around like 2 billion views across multiple tons of videos ; it's crazy if you even gain an audience that's like a few thousand subscribers that keep coming back you can have a full-time income from just doing that , and they'll come back watch new videos, new videos and more new videos , but you want to be on the growth curve and grow right … and how you do that ? is just have a great content .
I have a lot of data for my big cash YouTube channel I’m no expert about personal brand content really , but what I can say about YouTube is the only things that matter with YouTube is high click through rate and just really high watch time . And if you are really master that , and you make content in a big audience bucket , and a big topic that a lot of people care about , a lot of people are passionate about … There is a lot of money .
In that Youtube's one of those methods where you can make money ; that is like pretty much the most guaranteed out there , by far because there's so many ways to monetize you can link so much in your descriptions of your videos , and you can make money from ads running on your videos.
The fact that YouTube ; I mean it's been in the work for centuries , but they never had the technology for centuries to make it happen , this is an opportunity right ? Now in this world we all live in that is literally unfathomable , it was not even a possibility back then millionaires are being made all the time from just YouTube , and all these other platforms.
And I’m writing this to tell you I am not smart at all , and anyone could do this. I grew up super depressed even suicidal at different times , and I made it out of that , because I had a desire to make money online . For some reason I was able to crack code after failing countless times , and YouTube. Did that for me .So if there's any recommendation I would have for people .
If you offer services to influencers , YouTube channels , and local businesses … you can make a lot of passive income just offering social media services to people. So let's say they have an Instagram page ; you can help them by you make content for them , and you post the content you don't have to film yourself doing content , you can film what they do and then you post the content for them ,and you make sure that content does well.
You can also help local websites or even influencers websites or YouTube channels websites ; that they link to you can help them rank even better ; okay you can even help local businesses this is a great services … help them rank number one in the search results for Google maps , and even for the Google search engine , when people look up that specific type of business ; you can offer editing services for YouTube channels , and you can offer thumbnail services for YouTube channels .
That's very awesome because that's consistent money , and you can charge very good prices if you do a good job . And regarding influencers; you can help influencers by marketing their brand better and get them more exposure, and so you can run ads for them, you can do free organic methods for them as a service , and you can also offer services where you repurpose their content to other platforms.
Networking and Teaming up and Partnering up with smart people or just people who are already making money online or just making money in general ,the ability to network with people and have great social skills cannot be overlooked , it's one of the most valuable things you could possibly do like if you team up with someone who already is making money . That is so powerful, just get out there ; start meeting people ; create relationships with people ; and you can team up with people… and literally do what they're doing or offer some value to them and that's the key ; like you have to have value to offer and that's where you need to have a valuable skill .
The more valuable skills you have for people like marketing sales , technical skills … etc , or just being a friend .
This one's for creative people for sure it's like you could write an eBook ; publish it to Amazon , but the book needs to be a topic or a story that would resonate with a lot of people. It needs to be really great content also known as : it needs to be great storytelling , it needs to be great planning in place , it can't be like half effort. You have to go all in when you write a books, they're pretty much the most condensed information in the entire world ; some of the best information in the world and some of the best stories in the world. When you do it you can make a lot of money writing book it's passive income forever once it's written .
It's definitely worth your time , it's definitely worth your brain power , to really brainstorm , a good book or many good book ideas ; and then go all in and create these books and they will literally last forever. First publish it to kindle direct publishing on amazons , it's totally free , it's easy to do you , start with zero dollars , just put the time and effort in and creativity in and you make money back forever.
Sharpening your saw means you're leveling up your skills and you're increasing your skill levels ,your knowledge base , and everything where you can literally go out into any niche , any marketplace sell any product … more skills you have the more money you can make .
If there's any leverage point you could have in this world , it's definitely knowledge sharpening your saw as much as possible is, definitely worth your time , definitely worth everything , and it pays off big time .
When you think WIN-WIN , that means that the other party is benefiting in your party ; is benefiting where this could apply .It is like for example ; you're selling a product , but it's for a really no-brainer price or you're bundling a bunch of products together for a no-brainer price for the customer , and so when value exceeds price greatly there's a lot of sales that happen and a lot of value is given.
That is called a buyer frenzy and it's really amazing when that happens , and anyone can do it and one of the easiest effective ways is literally bundle a bunch of things together to craft an offer for people , that really exceeds the price , and also stories behind your product or your offer and content behind it that really ups the value; like tremendously high the marketing is a big piece to all this , but the product matters greatly , and so never overlook the product and offer ; but the marketing elevates perceived value and actual value through the roof. And also when you're networking if that's a route you want to go think win-win scenarios all the time.
Solving problems is one of the best ways you can make money , because you know what different problems are , and you know what products or even digital products or services can solve these problems for people .
So a lot of people may want to lose more weight , or be more healthy build , more muscle. A lot of people may want to make more money save more money , or even like start a career , a lot of people may want to elevate their social skills , their social life and relationships.
Each one of these areas are problems you can solve for pretty much the whole world. The opportunity is very big with that , and you can sell physical products ,digital products and services …
When you enter into those different problem solving areas , and these have sub categories inside of each of them , you can literally create content sell things , create ads and sell things if you want to ; but there's so much attention , and so many problems to be solved there ; that the opportunity is huge .
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